Saturday, April 28, 2007

Fun With Data Part 2

In a continuing effort to analyze the behavior of Ellen I've created a new statistic titled "Time To Nap". Using this statistic I've determined the time it takes from feeding to nap, which is the typical order of events during her day. In fact you can break her day down to the following
  1. Eat
  2. Diaper Change
  3. Playtime
  4. Nap
The cycle then repeats itself throughout the day for up to five or six times depending on the length of her sleep cycles (see Fun With Data Part 1). Once again I've gone back over a three week history to determine the average time it takes Ellen from the end of a feeding to napping.

As you can see from above it takes Ellen on average approximately one hour till she is ready to nap. To determine if there is a difference in the length of time from bottle feeding versus breast feeding I also determined the average for them separately. You could state there is a trend to less time for breast feeding but the error bars overlap meaning there is no significant difference. In fact there is quite a bit of variability in the time it takes Ellen to nap so one must be careful not to assume that Ellen will nap every hour after feeding.


Martin's said...

you guys ROCK!!!!

Jeff, Shino, Saya, and Meisa Neima said...

Man,... you must a lot of time on your hand.

Anonymous said...

I guess this is your scientific mind having fun...The charts are making me dizzy!:)

Just a girl/mom/wife/human said...

How do I say this delicately...

Anal Retentive