Monday, September 17, 2007


Captured this image over the weekend on my camera phone. As you'll notice Ellen is wearing her Peanut onesie that Grandpa crafted himself online.

Still not crawling but she has mastered the technique of feeding herself. Over the weekend she had lots of Cheerios, cantaloupe, bananas, a few strawberries and a little popcorn. She is not so keen on the strawberries just yet.


Anonymous said...

Go baby girl! You're giving those 4 little toothers a work-out:)
Cute in pink, "Peanut"...see you all soon.

Just a girl/mom/wife/human said...

BT has tooth envy! Peanut: 4 BT: 0

Brian said...

Actually its more like
Peanut:7 BT:0, but whose keeping score.

Just a girl/mom/wife/human said...

GET OUT! 7 ?

Just a girl/mom/wife/human said...

He just started doing it yesterday. Well, doing it well. ITs like it just clicked or something. Yeah Ellen will have to get going herself!!! She will need to start working off all those Cheerios shes been grubbin on with her 7 teeth!!!